Volume 12 Contributors
Kate Belew

Kate Belew (she/her) is a Brooklyn-based writer, poet, storyteller, and Witch from Michigan. Her work spans genres and spaces including poetry, immersive theatre, herbalism, witchcraft, and the psychedelic. She co-hosts Magick & Alchemy, a Tamed Wild podcast about mythology and witchcraft. Kate is the founder of The Bardo Writing School and is the co-creator of 13 Writing Spells with LoomBound. Kate often performs, collaborates, and teaches with The Poetry Society of New York. She has an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College, she is a Green Witch apprentice to Robin Rose Bennett and has studied Astrology and Energy Healing. Learn more about Kate's work at katebelew.com or on Instagram @k8belew.
Emi Benn
Farewell 2023: Case Study (No, I Don’t Remember That)

Emi Benn’s fiction has appeared most recently in The Florida Review, Prairie Fire, and The Ocotillo Review.
Brittany Coffman

Brittany Coffman is a 22-year-old poet and fiction writer based in New York. She's a proud queer woman, born in the Midwest, but raised in between the pages of books. Her writing explores dark corners and strange ways to portray language. She received the Pratt Institute’s BFA Thesis Prize in 2022 for her work No I and her first poetry collection, Chronicle Psychiatrist Telephone, is available now.
Carrie Conners

Carrie Conners, originally from Moundsville, West Virginia, lives in Queens, New York and is an English professor at LaGuardia Community College-CUNY. Her first poetry collection, Luscious Struggle (BrickHouse Books, 2019), was a 2020 Paterson Poetry Prize Finalist. Her second collection, Species of Least Concern, was published by Main Street Rag in 2022. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in Bodega, Kestrel, Split Rock Review, RHINO, and The Monarch Review, among others. She is also the author of the book, Laugh Lines: Humor, Genre, and Political Critique in Late Twentieth-Century American Poetry (University Press of Mississippi, 2022).
Theresa Senato Edwards
Summer 2018: Excerpt from Wing Bones
Farewell 2023: One Poem

Theresa Senato Edwards has published two full-length poetry books, one, with painter Lori Schreiner, which won The Tacenda Literary Award for Best Book, and two chapbooks. Edwards was nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize, once for a Best of the Net, and once for Best Small Fictions Anthology. Her work can be found in Diode, Dialogist, Gargoyle, SWWIM, Thrush, PANK, and Verse Daily among other journals. Edwards has spent time as editor in chief and poetry editor at The American Poetry Journal and as a poetry mentor in the COUNTERCLOCK Arts Collective. She was senior poetry editor for Harbor Review and is poetry editor for Pawling Living, holds an MFA from Goddard College and an MA from Western Connecticut State University. Her website is www.theresasenatoedwards.com.
Darlene Eliot
Farewell 2023: One Flash Fiction

Darlene Eliot was born in Canada and grew up in Southern California. When not writing short fiction, she enjoys time with her sweetheart, hiking the Bay area coast, and being inspired by writers, film editors, and composers. Her work has appeared in Cleaver Magazine, Puerto del Sol, Your Impossible Voice, and Lost Balloon. Read more of her work at darleneeliot.com.
Zary Fekete
Farewell 2023: My Street Food Lady

Zary Fekete…
…has worked as a teacher in Hungary, Moldova, Romania, China, and Cambodia.
…lives and works as a writer in Minnesota.
…has been featured in various publications including Zoetic Press, Bag of Bones Press, and Mangoprism.
…has a debut chapbook of short stories coming in February 2023 from Alien Buddha Press and a novelette (In the Beginning) coming out in May from ELJ Publications.
…enjoys books, podcasts, and long, slow films. Twitter: @ZaryFekete.
AN Grace

AN Grace lives in Liverpool, England. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in North Dakota Quarterly, Seize The Press, Brushfire, Free Inquiry, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and others. You can find him on Twitter @isthisboring.
Suzanne Langlois
Spring 2016: Two Poems
Fall 2017: Two Poems
Fall 2018: Four Poems
Fall 2019: Three Poems
Spring/Summer 2020: Two Poems
Farewell 2023: Two Poems

Suzanne Langlois’s chapbook Bright Glint Gone won the 2019 Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance chapbook award. Her poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Quarterly West, Whale Road Review, Rust + Moth, and Cider Press Review. She holds a MFA from Warren Wilson College, and teaches high school English in Falmouth, Maine.
Madeline McEwen
Farewell 2023: Like a Blind Dog in a Meat Market

Madeline McEwen [her/she] is a blow-in to the Bay Area from the UK, bi-focaled and technically challenged, who has enjoyed publication in a variety of different outlets both online and in traditional print. Her fiction and non-fiction focuses primarily on disabilities [ableism] and humor/humour. She has numerous short stories and a few stand-alone novelettes. Her latest short story, Stepping On Snakes, appears in the Me Too Anthology edited by Elizabeth Zelvin published by Level Best Books, and Benevolent Dictatorship published in Low Down Dirty Vote Volume II edited by Mysti Berry. She and her Significant Other manage their four offspring, one major and three minors, two autistic, two neurotypical, plus a time-share with Alzheimer's. In her free time, she walks two dogs and chases two cats with her nose in a book and her fingers on the keyboard. www.madelinemcewen.com and MacMcEwen.
Katrina Papouskaya
Farewell 2023: One Flash Fiction

Katrina Papouskaya is a Belarusian-American writer currently residing in Brooklyn with her cat. She is working on her MFA in poetry at The New School. Her poetry has been featured in Glassworks Magazine and Miracle Monocle. Find more at katrinapapouskaya.com.
Dayna Patterson
Fall 2018: Three Poems
Farewell 2023: Two Poems

Dayna Patterson is a fungophile, macrophotography enthusiast, and textile artist. She’s the author of O Lady, Speak Again (Signature Books, 2023) and If Mother Braids a Waterfall (Signature Books, 2020). Honors include the Association for Mormon Letters Poetry Award and the 2019 #DignityNotDetention Poetry Prize judged by Ilya Kaminsky. Her creative work has appeared recently in EcoTheo, Kenyon Review, and Whale Road Review. She’s the founding editor (now emerita) of Psaltery & Lyre and a co-editor of Dove Song: Heavenly Mother in Mormon Poetry. In her spare time, she curates Poetry + Fungus, a pairing of poetry books and species from the fungal world. daynapatterson.com.
Susan Azar Porterfield

Susan Azar Porterfield’s three books include In the Garden of Our Spines, Kibbe (Mayapple Press) and Dirt, Root, Silk, which won the Cider Press Review Editor’s Prize. Individual poems have appeared in The Georgia Review, Barrow Street, EcoTheo, Mid-American Review, North American Review, Crab Orchard Review, Nimrod, Rhino, Puerto del Sol, Poetry Ireland Review, Slipstream, Room, Ambit, and Magma. She’s the editor of Zen, Poetry, the Art of Lucien Stryk (Ohio UP) and the recipient of an Illinois Arts Counsel Award for Poetry.
Jessica Purdy

Jessica Purdy is the author of STARLAND and Sleep in a Strange House, released by Nixes Mate in 2017 and 2018. Sleep in a Strange House was a finalist for the NH Literary Award for poetry. Murder in the House, a pamphlet of her poems on the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death was released by Buttonhook Press in 2022. She is the author of the chapbook Learning the Names (Finishing Line Press 2015). She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College. Her poems and flash fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in many journals including Litro, Gone Lawn, Mom Egg Review, Lily Poetry Review, Ran Off with the Star Bassoon, The Night Heron Barks, and Radar. She is poetry editor for the anthology, Ten Piscataqua Writers 2022. Follow her on Twitter @JessicaPurdy123 and her website: jessicapurdy.com.
Christie Valentin-Bati

Christie Valentin-Bati is a multi-genre writer and photographer invested in the ordinary - officially. Unofficially, she’s just a suburb kid trying to grow up. Her work has received honorable mention in the 2022 and 2021 Academy of American Poet's Poetry Contest, has been commissioned by the ACLU of Illinois, and exhibited in Porous Gallery. She is Poet-in-Residence at The Chicago Poetry Center and a Teaching Artist at Young Chicago Authors. Find more at @christie.vbati or bit.ly/christievb.
Moshe Wolf

Moshe Wolf is a former house painter and bank teller who stopped writing for twenty years. Wolf’s work has appeared in numerous magazines under different pseudonyms including Chicago Quarterly Review, Tampa Review, 32 Poems, The Missouri Review, and others. Wolf has published 2 books of poetry.