Our bravest contributors have shared with us some of their more earnest efforts from the misty past. Scary Bush should not be reviewed while in the process of drinking liquids, and the reader assumes all risk.
The String Story
Caitlin McGuire
Miracle Man
Kristine Ong Muslim
Helicopters (early draft)
Gary Sloboda
John Grey
to say so let's say
i.e. to do I read but
hey get up and to be
scared but move your
up and down I found
a nut in a play
made of cast a man
with thoughts of and
what it meant by than
light I see than you
who have what it had
no part to do to play
than with fear or just
there with your more face
I read on the front the
more of your head I
liked in the on that
book back of your mind
I guess
Mark McKee
The Bitter End
Nicole Olweean
Erected above the tunnels that weave
beneath the grey and twisted metals of a blooming city.
Wrapped in moonlight,
this town does sleep at night.
With diluted skies above
and the legend of channels beneath our feet,
whispers rise with the dust we kick,
the entrance below the Bitter End,
closed for an age.
And the people above with coffee in their hands,
books on their tables and lights in their eyes,
know but do not know
what lies a few feet south.
Perhaps the intrigue is kindled only
by the unknown,
and would be snuffed out
were the mystery ever solved.
Still, the ones with curious minds befriend
the people at the Bitter End.
Shelby's Folly: A Fable
Mary Lou Buschi
The way a woman gives the world
Michael Pagán
we all overcome.
Before television was a chair,
framed by the light of an open
window; were wishes being made.
Tiny fingers high up against the light
like candles, like rye-colored knobs,
glad to be alive, eyes squinted
enough to keep away the world, turning
it to strings, as if to say: "I guess."
"I hope."
"To never see you again."