Summer 2012 Edition
We are pleased to bring you the summer 2012 edition of Menacing Hedge. The edition features many fresh faces as well as some Menacing Alumni. We are once again delighted to be graced with the lovely work of the pop-surrealist Mab Graves, and please do not miss the additional bonus page of her art.
This edition's line-up of unfettered awesome includes poems and stories by Gary Anderson, Brandon Blackburn, Jon Boisvert, Juliet Cook, Zac B. Hancock, Crystal Hoffman, Kathleen Kirk, Jill Khoury, Adam Moorad, Ken Poyner, Jessy Randall, Daniel M. Shapiro, Teresa Tulipano, Jessica Tyner and Martha Vallely. The issue also includes the haunting photography of Helen Vitoria.
Last but never least, do not miss our contributors' Scary Bush offerings, which include the darkly nuanced Smurfette by Randall, the short story Sissy by Cook with author's and teacher's despondent comments, Tulipano's Chained Reactions which includes the choice line "Smelled period," plus many more scary offerings too delicious to miss.
A big thanks to all of our wonderful contributors!
This edition was produced by:
Kelly Boyker: Poetry editor
Martha Vallely: Technical editor and proofreader
Gio Guillemette: Technical director and paperwork dealer-wither
Dickens: Chief of paperwork interference and specialist in rendering all untethered small objects to the Taking Things Place, wherever that is.
Upcoming Fall Edition Announcement
Menacing Hedge is thrilled to announce that Craig Wallwork is the guest fiction editor for the fall edition of Menacing Hedge. Information about Wallwork and links to an assortment of his writing can be found at craigwallwork.blogspot.com
Craig Wallwork is the Pushcart nominated writer of the novels To Die Upon a Kiss, The Sound of Loneliness, and the short story collection Quintessence of Dust. His stories have featured in many journals, magazines and anthologies in the US and the UK. He lives in West Yorkshire with his wife and daughter. Rarely does he venture out of the North of England.
Menacing Hedge
Menacing Hedge is a quarterly journal of poetry, fiction and artwork, which is committed to fostering access to emerging and experimental poetry and prose. Ongoing publication is scheduled for the first weeks of July, October, January, and April. Menacing Hedge will carefully archive all its editions to ensure that an author's/artist's work will remain on the web for many, many years to come. Regrettably, Menacing Hedge cannot pay its contributors at this time.
Menacing Hedge accepts only original unpublished literary work; however, it will consider literary work on a case-by-case basis if it has appeared only in print but never on the web. In the case of art and photography, it is acceptable if the piece has appeared on the artist's website or elsewhere.
Upon acceptance of a literary piece, Menacing Hedge obtains first publishing rights and then all rights revert to the author. Menacing Hedge requests that if a published piece is later published elsewhere, that Menacing Hedge will be credited with first publication. Also, Menacing Hedge reserves the right to publish the piece in print.
Scary Bush
If we decide to accept your work, we will also invite you to submit one of your most cringeworthy efforts from the misty past to Menacing Hedge's evil twin, Scary Bush. Please see the Scary Bush page for examples.