Ellie Black
Olive Thomas Wants to Die
or maybe she doesn’t well anyway poor thing doesn’t know there’s a whole future out there she can’t dance in must not understand other women will sink their teeth into that husband of hers so young and handsome maybe already have that’s what I heard anyway what does Olive Thomas drink mercury bichloride straight oh that’s so funny isn’t it yes well mustn’t joke like that so cruel to speak ill of the dead even if they first spoke it themselves
Judy Garland’s Body
is my body too or so I’ve determined tense hands thin legs small and filled with foreign objects in hopes of improvement Judy Garland was shorter than me by three and a half inches and they called her fat and hopeless and wrapped her up in corsets and she danced until her bones snapped in half until there was no body left to dance she loved men who wouldn’t love her back this was no accident Judy Garland’s breath smelled of paraldehyde and her eyes never blinked her mother and the studio insisted upon two abortions and yet Judy kept sticking inside of this body this body she wanted out of so badly and now I think she is here in mine in my hands and my eyes and my mouth still moving her feet hello Judy Garland I am so sorry