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Spring 2013 Edition introduction by Amanda Gowin

It's a magical sort of purgatory to be knee-deep in stories far better than anything your own imagination could create. Menacing Hedge is a bit like the house in Ruby Gloom – rambling but intimate, long hallways lined with rooms containing tiny and beautiful worlds. For a few months I jangled the keys, singing while I wandered and collected, entrusted with a bit of the architecture. One room I gave to Liz Young, and she filled it with strawberries. To another, Kate Velguth – and though she's not old enough to drive, she can already write circles around me. Behind each door I hid a treasure found among treasures.

For Spring, I offer you DNA, fruit, change, history.

Thank you, Kelly and Craig, for having me over to play. The house you built is beautiful. Thank you to Ryan Case for the beautiful artwork, and for that time you let me wear that awesome Godzilla head mask, not sure I ever thanked you for that. And the authors? I'll be back later – I've lots of writing and reading and brain-stretching to do to catch up with the likes of you!

- Amanda Gowin

This edition was produced by:

Kelly Boyker: Poetry editor

Amanda Gowin: Guest fiction editor

Gio Guillemette: Technical director and paperwork dealer-wither

Dickens: Chief of paperwork interference and specialist in rendering all untethered small objects to the Taking Things Place, wherever that is.

Menacing Hedge

Menacing Hedge is a quarterly journal of poetry, fiction and artwork, which is committed to fostering access to emerging and experimental poetry and prose. Ongoing publication is scheduled for the first weeks of July, October, January, and April. Menacing Hedge will carefully archive all its editions to ensure that an author's/artist's work will remain on the web for many, many years to come. Regrettably, Menacing Hedge cannot pay its contributors at this time.

Menacing Hedge accepts only original unpublished literary work; however, it will consider literary work on a case-by-case basis if it has appeared only in print but never on the web. In the case of art and photography, it is acceptable if the piece has appeared on the artist's website or elsewhere.

Upon acceptance of a literary piece, Menacing Hedge obtains first publishing rights and then all rights revert to the author. Menacing Hedge requests that if a published piece is later published elsewhere, that Menacing Hedge will be credited with first publication. Also, Menacing Hedge reserves the right to publish the piece in print.

Scary Bush

If we decide to accept your work, we will also invite you to submit one of your most cringeworthy efforts from the misty past to Menacing Hedge's evil twin, Scary Bush. Please see the Scary Bush page for examples.