T. A. Noonan
from The Midway Iterations
// invading
but who cares about any of this
there are more important things
there's that email you need to send
when you stop & a husband to text
& a plane overhead that reminds you
of the Oort cloud, of the probability
that a comet will shake loose from
your wild hair & take out the city
where you live
( where you travel )
Erin's on the phone again
demanding Swedish meatballs
you think to yourself that somewhere
there is someone who will sing you
to sleep with Kabbalah & astrophysics
someone who knows the aethers
someone below or maybe topping
someone who wants you someone
who wants you someone who wants
// as if to say
Florida I don't
love you the same
our relationship is
midrash of travel
of alpha particles
& late-night calls
your coasts keep me
never hold me still
I decay, lose my
insides as heat
moves south
the sun is up
it says you're all that ever
will be or maybe just
you're alive on arrival
// no matter
my bed is a Feynman diagram
unmade sheets sine waves
of annihilation, photon
of pillows falling away
when I wake up alone
——there is no matter
here for me, only failed
applications & domains
left undefined
// how loud you blast
there is no hip hop, no J-pop
no classic rock jam big enough
to shake me out of this state
no overbass to rattle me free
from simple harmonic motion
I am stuck here I am looking
into someone's eyes I turn on
my stereo I realize this is what
a pendulum feels like & I don't
even know how to write
those equations anymore
// Wu-Tang
I might be part of the swarm
or maybe I remember that killa bees
is the name I gave my squadron
of lovers——
the first, a goth girl
on the library conference table
later, the boy who said I looked
sexier with my coat on & a cigarette
in my mouth instead of him
the inventor with eyes the color
of his name & the writer
who reminded me of quasars
——so many, all gone
Hawking says gravity always attracts
never repels adds up over time
I touch my lips where they sting
// you can't leave without us
the point is
( these are the things
I think about when I drive
to & from you, Florida
words from other words
physics that govern
how there are so many
yous inside of me
how I am that Flying J
& all the dreams of our
combined possibilities )
without acknowledgment