Fall 2014 Edition
The Fall 2014 Edition of Menacing Hedge is our biggest issue ever. It is chock full of poetry, short stories, interviews, and reviews. It also features the ethereal work of the artist Stephen O'Donnell, who has graciously allowed us to feature his artwork and who proved to be an intelligent and informative interview subject.
Poets include Annmarie O'Connell, Callista Buchen, Christopher Martin, Donna Vorreyer, Erin Elizabeth Smith, Flower Conroy, Jennifer Givhan, Jude Cowen Montague, M. Mack, M.P. Powers, Nancy Bevilaqua, Sara Krueger, Seth Copeland, and T.A. Noonan. Once again, Menacing Hedge is thrilled to be publishing segments of chapbooks in the making.
Fiction writers include the talents of Arthur Davis, Jacob Aiello, Marcus Pactor and Stephen Williams.
We have a delightful discourse between Lauren Gordon and Daniel M. Shapiro interviewing each other about their newest works, the chapbook Meaningful Fingers (Finishing Line Press) by Gordon and the book How the Potato Chip was Invented (Sunnyoutside Press) by Shapiro. We also have Ronda Lott interviewing Darren C. Demaree about his recent book Temporary Champions (Main Street Rag) as well as Sandra Marchetti's review of They Talk About Death (Blood Pudding Press). Last but not least, Kelly Boyker has posted a review of Caitlin Thomson's chapbook Incident Reports (Hyacinth Girl Press).
Don't forget to check out Scary Bush because: Scary.
This edition was produced by:
Kelly Boyker: Poetry editor
Craig Wallwork: Fiction editor
Gio Guillemette: Technical director and paperwork dealer-wither
Dickens: Chief of paperwork interference and specialist in rendering all untethered small objects to the Taking Things Place, wherever that is.
Menacing Hedge
Menacing Hedge is a quarterly journal of poetry, fiction and artwork, which is committed to fostering access to emerging and experimental poetry and prose. Ongoing publication is scheduled for the first weeks of July, October, January, and April. Menacing Hedge will carefully archive all its editions to ensure that an author's/artist's work will remain on the web for many, many years to come. Regrettably, Menacing Hedge cannot pay its contributors at this time.
Menacing Hedge accepts only original unpublished literary work; however, it will consider literary work on a case-by-case basis if it has appeared only in print but never on the web. In the case of art and photography, it is acceptable if the piece has appeared on the artist's website or elsewhere.
Upon acceptance of a literary piece, Menacing Hedge obtains first publishing rights and then all rights revert to the author. Menacing Hedge requests that if a published piece is later published elsewhere, that Menacing Hedge will be credited with first publication. Also, Menacing Hedge reserves the right to publish the piece in print.
Scary Bush
If we decide to accept your work, we will also invite you to submit one of your most cringeworthy efforts from the misty past to Menacing Hedge's evil twin, Scary Bush. Please see the Scary Bush page for examples.