Awuor Onguru
There’s thingsI cannot say about the bomb that went off at 14 Riverside Drive for
example I cannot saythat my father wantedto be jobless, and on his
way backfrom drinking ****** I cannotsay that someone
was in love with himthat very moment
(she was carrying both their lives on her back)or that he is proud to have been
the one to feel the cupboard handles rattle and in fact,I cannoteven
saythat everyone walking down Riverside Drivewas thinking about givingtheir
lives to some murkycause some christian make believego out
and bethe light in the darknessor the story on CNN it’s time to fight,
the fight against terrorismor what is now calledour own tongues
and what used to be calledprejudicebut is now called
watch outfor the muslim manthat is your next door neighbor
he is walking into a hotel lobby and
he is the one who will ruin your home
December’s wet afternoon beats blindly onto golden rapier grass
as the wind blows gently into my grandmother’s wrapper
which inflates like a summer balloon: gentle air filling up on all sides
lifting slowly , begging to take flight if this were another day
she would acknowledge itthat same wind that taught her to pick the best corn
to smile at the prettiest birds
now she furrows her lipsas she turns the millet onto its sides
feet making patternsin new-born seed
stalks tossed in round, warm, lightheadscarf falls beyond neck
to hide beads of sweat from wandering eyes supple breasts bounce gently in
tandem with the beat of work-dance:the step of breath and the rhythm of feet
a secret drumbeat forms, this:her military reaping and surelynothing can evade
a woman of the sun not worms that slither in-between the branches or
cats that stalk in sultry silence waiting for meal or help or hand
a single mayfly lands on the yellow-clothed back: ignoredshe works in silence, this
her praise and worshipshe is turning, turning, the day away stopping for
nothing but the religious turning, in the heatthe shuffle,of the feet
the taming ,of the wheat: land
that she has worked for decades bows down in quiet submission the birds
cry out
in songjoyous…