Amy Pence
The Omitted Center
Around which
all the hands in your body go—moths
put their tiny labile mouths— night’s fret
more intricate than one had supposed
Remember the
tantrums, the soiled pants—there was a time
when the girl lay prone like balsa wood
would not let you go—clung to you
Around which
traffic feeds in and then away
from the city center
Miles and miles of it—catacombs
of— a spiral: bridge and girder concrete
and guardrails, oil spots darkening the hot
cemented length speckled to the arduous no
Around which
the river lesions the silent city, past the moss-
crudded hills—what is shorn was shorn
from us: ago and long go
Her fingers
pried away, the palms: don’t and don’t
as if every no had the potential for yes
The Secret of Roan Inish; her sobs slant
exclude all possibility but
what?the want-want
Her ragged eyes
dim duskier because court-
orderedher goingtrepidation as truth/
back from a visitation/ said she wished
she had a sister
Her mouth now
grown sulky as a teenager: did you know,
could you, when she was born
hot animal with her black hair stuck wet
to her round and fascinating skull
that each defilement:each defilement
Around which
the ghost sisterwalked
the one it was done to:can I have a sister?
she saidthen she’d be the one drug from the bed
that onethat other
starving herselfsometimes
a rapat the door
it’s late Miss Dickinsonher father said
Around which
you walked years later with a second husband
The Rock of Cashel, Ireland—gothic
chapel arched around the cast-out bodies
archedaround which
you could almost forgetthe past’s green
and mossed citya hologram for Kings
Around which
traffic vomits its way down 20 to 285
the succubus of the funnel to 400
toll booththe long manicured nails
take your oily nickelsplatinum
grimy turn down the turnpike
a school bus hoversclose
you rememberseeing her
sitting aloneon the bus
staring out the window
the ghost sister beside her
Because: standing there
you: unverbed
the blank-to-blank
numb circuit
Around which
you skirta multiverse
the sucked-down holeyour car
taking you bothoff into
night trafficturning to ghost
her smilein the wan
Return, this eternal return
back toboth your heads shorn
the hair dyedin disguise
exiting the cityleaving—
light barstravelacross
her face’s alternatesister
numb circuitthe want/want
whatyou didn’t do
cannot undo
➥ Bio